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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Amazon’s Alexa will now mimic the voice of your dead relatives

 Amazon’s Alexa will now mimic the voice of your dead relatives

Amazon’s Alexa will be able to resurrect the voices of dead relatives, permit users to feel as if they are talking  to lost ones beyond the grave.

The agency revealed that it was working on automatic that must be permit its voice assistant to imitation public with a recording of somebody’s voice less than a minute long.

It displayed the quality permit the synthetic voice of a deceased grandmother to read to her grandson. In a video show the automatic , a kinds  asked “Alexa, can grandma finish reading me the Wizard of Oz?”. 

The smart talking acknowledged the needed in its synthetic computer-generated opinion ahead button  to a replica of the grandmother’s opinion .

Amazon did not say when it expects to release the quality  or whether it plans to restrict how it is used.

upgrade in opinion recognition have allowed agency to making increasingly life-like digital voices, creating concerns that the automatic could be used to imitation public figures or to defraud public .

“While AI can’t remove that pain of loss, it can definitely make the memories last,” Rohit Prasad, Alexa’s chief scientist said at Amazon’s Re:Mars conference, where the automatic was expose . He added that “so many  more of us have lost someone we love” during the pandemic.

Voices could be create using less than a minute of audio, Mr Prasad said, balance to hours of recording in a studio that was at one time demand .

Mr Prasad said Amazon was as well as seeking to make the Alexa assistant more life-like so that it could exhibit “human-like common sense” and “human-like empathy”.

Last year, Microsoft patented a chatbot that must be able to mimic a “past or present arrive ... such as a friend, a relative, an contact , a celebrity, a fictional character, a historical figure”. Microsoft said this week that copy public voices would demand  strict controls and disclosures.

public have once connect text message records of dead relatives to chat bot arrange , permit them to transfer with artificial intelligence imitations of lost loved ones.

One individual who recreated his fiancee using chat bot program , behind  she died of a rare liver disease, said the automatic had both support him find closure and re-opened old wounds, with “more of the former than the latter”.

The automatic is likely to lead to fears that it could be used to impersonate living public , and that could be used to bypass safety complex . Several banks use tone recognition as an alternative to telephone banking key .

In 2019, a manager at a British energy agency lost almost £200,000 behind fraudsters used artificial intelligence to fake his boss’s voice, directing him to convey the agency funds to a foreign bank report .

More than half of households in the UK have a smart talking , even so to Ofcom, with the great owning an Amazon Echo talking .

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