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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Swelling of the face can be a sign of many health problems, know how to deal with it

 Swelling of the face can be a sign of many health problems, know how to deal with it

Facial swelling can be caused by a number of factors, including allergic reactions, decreased oral hygiene, and conditions such as edema. Here are some home remedies to deal with it.

Facial swelling occurs when fluid builds up in the tissues of the face. Due to this the face becomes swollen or there is swelling in the face. Many people feel swollen face after waking up in the morning. Facial swelling can also occur after surgery, injury, or an allergic reaction. This results in swelling of the neck or throat. Facial swelling is usually painless. Know here the causes of facial swelling and tips to cure facial swelling. For more information on why there is swelling on the face and under what circumstances this problem can occur, we talked to Dr Siddhartha Shekhar, a physician at Patna ESI Medical College.

1. Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that is common in people with weakened immune systems. This results in the formation of pus and destroys the skin tissue, leading to inflammation.

2. Allergies

Allergic reactions to certain foods, medications, or dust can also cause swelling around the eyes, lips, or face. Swelling in body parts can also be a sign of the body's fight against allergies.

3. Obesity

Swelling can often occur on the face due to obesity, because excess fat gets deposited on the face.

4. Burns or any other injury

Facial bruises, burns or bruises can also make your face appear flushed as blood flow increases rapidly towards the injury site.

5. Angio Edema

According to research, angioedema is a skin condition that causes swelling under the skin. This is usually caused by an allergic reaction.

6. Thyroid Problems

A swollen or puffy face is one of the most common symptoms of thyroid. Cheek swelling is a symptom of a thyroid problem.

7. Pregnancy

Swelling on the face is common in the early months of pregnancy. Other causes of a swollen face include malnutrition, sinusitis, etc.

how to reduce swelling on face after surgery

Swelling of the face is common after facial surgery. This is called 'postoperative edema'. Some of the most effective ways to relieve facial swelling after an injury include using warm compresses and ice packs on the affected area.

For this, Dr. Siddharth Shekhar suggests, “After surgery, you should take plenty of rest. Also, you should keep your chest high using pillows. It prevents the accumulation of liquid in the facial tissues.

You may begin to experience swelling of the face 48 hours after your surgery. Swelling may peak up to 72 hours after surgery, but it gradually subsides after 3-4 days. If facial swelling persists for several days after surgery, you should consult your doctor, who may prescribe some oral steroids.”

how to reduce swelling on face after injury

It is also common to experience swelling of the face after an injury to the face or body. You can treat facial swelling due to an injury at home by applying an ice pack or cold compress to your face. Use an ice pack on your face for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours. If the swelling does not subside, you can consult a doctor and take medicine.

If you have a severe head injury or a broken nose, or swelling of the face due to an injury, you should consult your doctor immediately for treatment.

What to do if your face is swollen due to an allergic reaction?

Allergic reactions to certain foods or medicines can also bring on swelling on your face. The best solution on how to reduce swollen face due to an allergic reaction is to use an ice pack or cold compress on the affected area. However, if the swelling is severe and painful, you should consult a doctor immediately.

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