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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

You may start loving baingan if we tell you what it can do for your skin!

 You may start loving baingan if we tell you what it can do for your skin!

Brinjal isn't just a great vegetable, it can indeed help you steer clear of early ageing. Try these manual baingan face masks. 

 Good old brinjal or baingan isn't the vegetable that everyone likes. still, those who like it, frequently end up using it for baingan ka bharta! No matter if brinjal is your favourite veggie or not, you ca n’t be ignorant of the benefits it offers. But did you know that it can be great for your skin too? Well, this nutritional, protean, and succulent vegetable can indeed be turned into manual baingan face masks which can do prodigies for your geriatric skin. 

 Brinjal, also known as eggplant, is a veritably rich source of vitamin C and hence it protects your skin and body from oxidative damage. It can indeed help fade facial dots and mars by decelerating down the signs of ageing, including fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. In turn, it'll give you a tremendous gleam. 


 Read the skin benefits of brinjal 

 Then’s why brinjal can be a great addition to your skincare routine 


 * Brinjal is a good source of potassium, fibre, carbohydrates, vitamin B and C, and magnesium. It also contains small quantities of iron and calcium, which altogether can help to enhance the skin. 

* Brinjal contains antioxidants, and anthocyanins which are important for decelerating down ageing. If you're floundering with pustules and mars on the skin also you should start eating brinjal. 


 * Due to its fiber content, conjoined with the vitamins, brinjal clears the system from contaminations. 

* Brinjal can detox the body and ensures clear skin and enhances the gleam on the skin. 


 Then’s how brinjal can keep your skin doused in summer 

 Dr Kapoor said, “ Brinjal has a high water content thus the regular consumption and operations of brinjal can keep the skin doused and moisturised, thereby perfecting the gleam on the skin. Owing to its high water content, it can keep the skin free of poisons and contaminations and hence keeps it soft, smooth and radiant. ” 

She added that brinjal has a veritably important component called Chlorogenic acid, which reduces the threat of skin cancer. Also, the presence of antioxidants in brinjal helps the body to get relieve of free revolutionaries which tend to beget oxidative damage to the skin. This helps the body to keep colorful skin conditions and affections at bay. 


 Then are some anti-ageing face masks using brinjal 

 Mask 1 

 Using brinjal color is a great way to keep geriatric signs at bay. Juice an entire brinjal and add a many drops of witch hazel to it. Mix and transfer the content to a clean bottle and also put it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Use it every morning before doing the regular makeup. 


 Mask 2 

 Take a mug of diced brinjal and put it in a glass jar. Pour one and half mugs of apple cider ginger into it and also close the lid. Put the jar in the refrigerator for 3- 4 days until the apple cider ginger changes its colour and turns dark. Take it out and apply the result to the affected area with a cotton ball. Repeat several times daily. 

 Mask 3 

 Cut one slice from brinjal and shred it. Add the tattered brinjal to two soupspoons of aloe vera juice and a teaspoon of organic honey. Mix and also prepare a paste. Spread a subcaste on your face and stay till it gets absorbed. Now apply the rest of the face mask and let it sit for 15- 20 twinkles. Wipe it off with a damp cotton cloth and eventually wash the face with lukewarm water. Repeat twice a week. 

 Mask 4 

 Cut a quarter of large brinjal. hash it into small cells and also put them in the blender. mix and add two tbsp fresh, plain yogurt. mix again to get a smooth paste. Apply it to the face and stay for 15- 20 twinkles before irrigating off with lukewarm water.

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