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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Never ever skip sunscreen, even during monsoon!

 Never ever skip sunscreen, even during monsoon!

There's no valid reason to skip sunscreen through  monsoon. So, don't forget to apply it all season for the sake of your skin's fitness .


With a sky filled with dark clouds and the sun hardly visible in the monsoon season, you may just skip sunscreen from your daily beauty method , right? Well, rain and cloudy skies are not a reason to skip sunscreen. In fact, sunscreen through   monsoon season is even more most .      


Here are most points to remind while using sunscreen through    the monsoon:

1. Exposure to UV rays is highest through   the day, mostly between 11 am to 4 pm. 

2. One must be apply sunscreen even in the house, as rays penetrate between the window.   

3. Apply the sunscreen 30 minutes behind  getting uncover to the sun so that it buy absorbed in your skin well.  

4. Reapplication of sunscreen every 2 hours is most , mainly  in the case of exercising, swimming, or sweating.

5. While buying sunscreen, note that it must be have 30 SPF or higher and must  be protect against both UV and UVA rays. 


6. through  the rainy season, the humidity makes even normal skin oily and greasy, so one should use gel-based sunscreen. 

7. as well as , one can use water-resistant sunscreen so that it doesn’t get washed off in the rain. 

8. Not just your face, but it is as well as most  to apply sunscreen on your entire body because even betgween you are wearing clothes, UV rays still probe .  


9. behind  choosing a sunscreen, realize  your skin type first. Though water based sunscreen is best for all skin types, consult a dermatologist for expert advice to realize   a better type of sunscreen.


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