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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Food to beat morning fatigue

Food to beat morning fatigue

Waking up feeling tired? Try these for breakfast.

Waking up and already feeling tired, fogged up, brain dead is not a great feeling. mainly when you know you have an entire day ahead of you. 

Breakfast is the most important meal, we know that. Now there are food that will be give you the instant kick of energy (Hello sugary drinks and caffeine) but that usually comes with a crash as well. To beat morning fatigue, and be mentally prepared to take on the day, we demand sustainable energy food that keeps the fatigue at bay.

Drinking water right behind you wake up is a good way to hydrate the body. Stretching and yoga keeps us focused and prepares for a mental strenuous day. Aldo, these are good habits to do every morning. 

Apart from drinking water and stretching, food is equally crucial. What you are having in the morning can change how energetic you feel during the day. So here are the food to have to beat morning fatigue.

Chia seeds and almonds

Chia seeds can hold water purse  absorbing water 10 times their weight. Highly fibrous so it gets digested slowly, gradually releasing energy all the while. It’s fatty content is omega-3 and that is the  brain boosting. Almonds are  the high in the  protein and ono saturated fat and is  the great for energy.  


Oatmeal is famous as breakfast for those who are health conscious. They are fibrous and have a low glycemic index and won’t add to the  blood sugar. as well as , you can add  the berries and fruits of your select for a super fitness breakfast to beat morning fatigue.


Fibrous and slow to digest they release energy; beans are as well as high in magnesium and that support cells produce energy. Being rich in selenium they promote better mood as well.


Bananas are rich in potassium and are great mood enhancers. Whip up a banana smoothie and add nuts for a fitness super tasty breakfast. They as well as contain he right amount of carbohydrate that prevent tiredness.

Whole wheat bread

Carbs are demand  for energy. If you want to have bread for breakfast, go for whole wheat bread as they contain complex carbs that won’t spike sugar levels and supply  long lasting energy.


Full of antioxidants and minerals, even a small bowl of watermelon can support in supply  long lasting energy and keep you hydrated.


Dates are sweet and so rich in potassium, calcium, zinc among other minerals and supply   long lasting energy. You can whip up a date smoothie. Mix it with bananas to make a smoothie, or have a few dates to impart sweetness to the  any smoothie. 

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