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Thursday, September 15, 2022

6 intermittent fasting mistakes which can turn your weight loss journey into weight gain

 6 intermittent fasting mistakes which can turn your weight loss journey into weight gain

Avoid common intermittent fasting miscalculations similar as consuming low calories or reduced water consumption if you are trying to lose weight in a healthy way. 
 numerous people find that intermittent fasting comes with several health benefits for them, including complaint forestallment, bettered digestion, and indeed reduced bloating. On the other hand, for numerous people, the reason they get stuck in timed refections and eating windows is only for weight loss. So if you're assuming that you're exercising Intermittent fasting for weight reduction purposes, know that it’s veritably easy for you to do it inaptly. Committing intermittent fasting miscalculations can decelerate down your weight reduction or indeed make you gain weight! 

 What's intermittent fasting? 

 It's a term which is used to describe eating pattern that includes regular time ages of fasting in which anyone can have no calories or veritably low calories. Simply put, in this diet, you follow an eating schedule every day, only consuming food during a fixed number of hours during a specific window of time, and also gormandize for the remaining hours. 

 Intermittent fasting miscalculations you should avoid for healthy weight loss 

 1. Low calorie input 

 Consuming low calories can have side effects . However, you might not lose weight, If you aren't eating enough number of calories in your eating window. In fact, you gain it back as eating lower substantially make you eat further than needed number of calories in your coming eating window. This is because of sheer hunger, the body also stores food to cover it, and it'll get a sense to reserve redundant calories as fat, rather of spare muscle. 

2. redundant calorie input 

 Giving significance to what you eat is as important or may be more important than when you eat . However, full of sugar, or may be high calorie food during your eating window, If you tend to eat high sweet foods. So one of the important intermittent fasting rules to follow is to just maintain your calorie input and do n’t overeat because you have to gormandize in the ultimate part of the day. Reduce your quantum of calories and follow a balanced diet including further fibre, protein and water. 
 3. Low consumption of protein 

Protein is the most important for muscle mass, strength and it's also good for bone health. So, consumption of protein during the eating window should be acceptable because it keeps you full during your fasting window, thereby keeping your calorie input in place. 
 4. Dehumidification 

 While following intermittent fasting, people also tend to do intermittent drinking, which is fully a big NO. Dehumidification can bring muscle cramps, headache, hunger stings and constipation along with it. So always make sure that you keep drinking water in between your mess times as it regulates your appetite, boosts your metabolism, and makes exercise easier and more effective. All of these could contribute to weight loss results. 

 5. Not having enough sleep 

 Yes, this is important to consider in the do’s and do n’ts of intermittent fasting. It has been observed that sleeping for the right number of hours is veritably important for weight loss. That’s because when you wake up late, you face increased appetite due to change in hormones, and that makes us eat more unhealthy foods at night. So, a veritably simple way to cut it's having at least 7- 8 hours of sleep on a diurnal base. 

6. Not having all your refections 

 Taking long gaps in between eating windows or skipping a mess wo n’t help in losing weight. rather, it can lead to binge eating for the coming eating window. So, just maintain a sufficient gap and eat till you're full, but not overstuffed. 
 Looking at similar common miscalculations, following intermittent fasting diets should be done under the guidance of a professional dietician for proper weight loss.

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